One of the first decisions you will need to make when selecting light treatment is the LED color. Both red light therapy and blue light therapy provide practical, at-home skin care treatments with clinical potency. But different LED light wavelengths, from infrared to blue, offer different advantages for various health and cosmetic uses. Understanding what each LED color treats will help you choose the ideal home light therapy for your particular skin care requirements.

What is LED Light therapy?

LED light therapy is a skincare procedure which uses lights of different wavelengths such as red, blue, infrared, and many others. NASA initially created this therapy for plant growth tests, but it has since been discovered to have been used in treating wounds, preventing bone and muscle loss, and more. Since the LED light treatment does not contain UV radiation, it is safe to use regularly. According to research, different wavelengths of light have varied impacts on the body cells, and these wavelengths can be combined to generate potent results for your skincare routine.

Why do light therapy devices come in a variety of colors?

Each wavelength that makes up white light corresponds to a different rainbow color. A rainbow is simply a pure white light refracting through water droplets in the air, and the phenomenon separates this white light into wavelengths that humans can see. Researchers have determined the precise light wavelengths that impact the body’s cells in various ways. They also discovered that the lights that positively impact skin cells are mainly blue and red. These wavelengths are produced by home light treatment systems using high-power LED microchips. Additionally, the device will filter out dangerous and ineffective light wavelengths, such as the UV rays found in sunlight, and only transmit concentrated doses of safe, helpful light wavelengths.

How effective is LED light therapy?

According to research, LED light treatment can help lessen and treat various skin disorders and problems. However, you must receive regular treatments if you want to notice improvements in your skin. In-office LED light treatment is more effective than at-home devices because it uses stronger intensities. You probably won’t get significant anti-aging or acne-reducing effects using LED masks and other portable devices. However, you might notice slight changes in the appearance of your skin.

How fast does LED light treatment work?

To experience significant results, you usually require a series of in-office treatments. You may need treatment once a week for about a month. Then, you need maintenance procedures every month or every few months. Some home devices could also demand a substantial time investment. You might need to use your device twice daily for 30 to 60 minutes for four to five weeks, while other device may only require a few minutes daily.

Who are those that cannot receive the LED light treatment?

Not everyone is a candidate for LED light therapy, particularly those who take certain drugs, such as lithium and isotretinoin, that make them more sensitive to sunlight and those with a history of certain illnesses, such as genetic eye problems and skin cancer.  Pregnancy and epilepsy, photo-allergy, and medications that cause light sensitivity (such as Tetracycline) are also contraindicated. 

What is red light therapy?

Red light improves skin tone and texture by increasing blood flow, collagen, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis. The interaction of infrared and red light can also make aging skin regenerate. Unlike blue light, this light can reach deeper layers of the skin due to its larger wavelength.

What are the benefits of red light therapy?

Red lights help to stimulate collagen and elastin formation, which causes cells to reproduce more quickly. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles are often diminished and reversed, and the skin’s texture is tighter and plumper. Red light treatment can improve:

  1. Inflammation
  2. The color of the skin
  3. The development of wrinkles and fine lines
  4. Sun and age spots

Additionally, red and infrared LED light has a calming impact on the skin’s surface layers, improving natural color while minimizing age spots, sunspots, and other aging-related symptoms of skin. 

What are the benefits of blue light therapy?

Blue light therapy devices can treat various skin issues, such as mild to moderate acne and psoriasis. It is also an excellent option for treating sun damage and rosacea. Blue light therapy kills microorganisms by penetrating the pores. While some bacteria are beneficial, others encourage oil production and other situations that can lead to blemishes. Blue light causes these bacteria to release substances that cause their outer membranes to break, killing the cell and eliminating the bacteria’s capacity to cause acne formation. Blue light can also reach bacteria deeper into the skin structure that cannot be done by conventional topical acne treatments.

What is the difference between red light vs blue light therapy?

Both red and blue light therapy help you look younger while addressing skin problems. However, red and blue light therapies differ because they use different electromagnetic spectrum wavelengths, implying that their energies and frequencies also vary. Blue light can reach deeper into your pores than red light can because it has a shorter wavelength, higher frequency, and more energy than red light. As a result, blue light can destroy the cell walls of bacteria that support oil production, eradicating the bacteria’s ability to cause acne. On the other hand, a red light therapy device can promote hair growth, reduce inflammation and scars, eliminate the appearance of lines/wrinkles; it also heals tissue damage from the sun and treats wounds. 

Is it possible to combine red and blue light therapy?

Blue and red light therapies are frequently combined and strengthen one another. Red and blue light treatment can be used to treat the following skin conditions:

  1. Inflammation
  2. Age spots and wrinkles 
  3. Acne
  4. Rosacea
  5. Psoriasis
  6. Scarring
  7. Wound recovery
  8. Dermatitis
  9. Eczema

Should I go for light therapy?

Our professionals will provide a complete evaluation of your skincare requirements when you visit us at Eye Candy Vision and Beauty Clinic at Arcadia. In more detail, we will create a unique routine for you and also educate you on the benefits of blue and red light therapy.

What is the best light therapy for wrinkles?

Both red and blue light treatments can be used to treat wrinkles, but the red light is regarded to be more effective at doing so. With consistent use, your skin will remain more elastic, resilient, and well-hydrated thanks to the red LED light therapy’s demonstrated ability to increase collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Red light is therefore seen to be your best option, even though blue and red light therapy both target creases and wrinkles on your face. For the best results, consider combining red and blue light treatment as part of your regular skincare routine.

Which light therapy is most effective for treating acne?

Red and blue light treatments work better to treat acne than blue light alone because red light lessens inflammation and speeds up healing, while blue light kills the bacteria that causes acne beneath the skin’s surface.

Do I need to wear goggles in red light therapy?

Protective eyewear is advised throughout all medical procedures. 

How do I get ready for LED light treatment?

Before treatment, you must have a clean, makeup-free face, whether in-office or at home. 

What happens during in-office LED light treatment?

A LED light therapy will be included as a part of your Deluxe HydraFacial experience. It’ll happen after we apply your specific booster and it’ll usually last between 12-16 minutes. LED light therapy is a painless, non-invasive procedure. You might experience some warmth, but you will feel no discomfort throughout the procedure.

How long does it take to recover after LED light therapy?

LED light therapy has no downtime. You can resume your regular activities after treatment; however, you should use caution when sun exposed for the first 48 hours. 

Can LED light therapy be misused?

Light treatment devices can be misused since every person reacts differently to them. For starters, using blue and red light treatment anywhere between three and five times per week is often advised. To avoid feeling like you’re starting with too much light therapy, start cautiously and increase treatments gradually. For some people, daily treatments might be the ideal option.

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