Why Winter is The Best Time To Have Laser Skin Treatment
Are you ready to use a chemical peel or laser treatment to restore your glow and improve skin texture? Winter is the perfect time to do so due to less sun exposure in general. The skin constantly replaces old tissue with new.
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What is Aquagold, and why do people love it
With Aquagold, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is improved, acne scars and hyperpigmentation are faded, skin tone and texture are improved, and redness and pore size are decreased. Results typically last between three and six months.
Botox Treatments For Wrinkle Reduction: How Do They Work?
Botox appears to be a magical treatment for a first-timer. After all, a single Botox treatment can reduce wrinkles and lines on the face that may not have responded to other anti-aging treatments like moisturizers and skin creams.
First Botox Treatment: What To Know And How To Prepare
Even with the advent of many anti-aging procedures, Botox is still one of the best ways to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines. At Eye Candy Vision and Beauty Clinic, we support self-care, self-love and aging gracefully and beautifully with a little help with Botox.
After Botox, What Next?
The effect of Botox usually lasts 4-6 months and since Botox is a minimally invasive procedure, there is not much downtime. Here are some basic aftercare guidelines to ensure that you get the maximum benefits from the procedure.